Covid Impact on Mobile App

Pandemics are an uncommon occurrence, but they can be deadly. Pandemic in the past has had a huge effect on human lives and economics all around the world, as history shows. Consider a global pandemic like the Black Death, which killed an estimated 75–200 million people in the 14th century. The plague has an immediate and damaging effect on the global economy and a significant shift in the population and Mobile App Industry.

Throughout the global pandemic, mobile device use has increased, surpassing 5.19 billion users globally in the last year. As a result, businesses have been releasing Mobile Apps at an unprecedented rate to take advantage of many future customers.

Today, however, the world is fighting a new but still deadly pandemic known as COVID-19. A global pandemic has infected millions of people and brought the global economy to a pause. The effect of COVID-19 on certain companies around the world is staggering, ranging from healthcare and engineering to travel and e-commerce.

However, there are several sectors where COVID-19 has had a positive effect. The on-demand market, Mobile App Development, e-payment, online gaming, and online entertainment are all examples.

The Coronavirus Affects the Mobile App Industry in a different ways:

Here’s how the novel COVID-19 is affecting the mobile App Market in our opinion.

Mobile App

Rise in number of App Downloads

People have been looking for new ways to keep themselves occupied at a time of self-isolation and quarantine at home while the world recognizes the new reality and cities prepare for lockdown. Shopping, purchases, and other tasks are all done by smartphones, which has resulted in an increase in app downloads.

This has created an opening for both iOS Application Development and Android Application Development companies in different verticals around the world to experiment and build applications that users want and need right now.

Read More: 10 Key Differences Between Android And iOS App Development

The Rise in Communication Apps:

Mobile App

Communication applications like Zoom and Google Hangouts were the greatest winners during the whole COVID-19 lockdown. With more and more private and public organizations choosing to work from home, applications that include messaging and video conferencing platforms have risen to the top of the list.

Not just that, but today’s employees of both government and private companies are looking for opportunities to simplify their tasks. As a result, React Native App and Web Application Development have grown in popularity and demand. The explanation is straightforward. If you start looking for a mobile or native app for work, you’ll find that there are thousands of them available for free today that provide video conferencing and other functionality.

Mobile App Spending to Double Despite COVID-19:

Despite the effect of COVID-19 on app store sales, significant growth is expected this year and for the next five years. According to statistics, by the end of 2020, app store spending will have surpassed $100 billion for the first time. This upward trend is expected to continue for the next five years, with an annual increase of about 20% expected. By 2024, the total amount spent on Mobile Apps would have crossed $171 billion. 

Read More: Opportunities During COVID Pandemic – On-Demand Apps

The Popularity of Gaming Apps to Surge Up

Citizens all over the world are spending long hours at home as a result of world cities being on lockdown and workplaces operating remotely. As a result, a large portion of the global population has been forced to explore new ways to pass the time, resulting in a staggering increase in the number of gaming app installs.
According to a February statistic, gaming applications have seen a nearly 40% increase in average downloads, with the rate continuing to climb.

Social Networking is on the Top:

Mobile App

As a result, people are locked away in their home. The ranking of social media networking apps is predicted to increase significantly. This is understandable given that the whole world is under quarantine, and in today’s world, the most popular way to communicate with one another is through social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Whatsapp.

Education Apps on the Rise:

Mobile App

Schools and Colleges across the world have been forced to close and send students to their home because of the national Covid-19 lockdown. This does not mean schooling has come to an end. With an increased e-learning marketplace, schools all over the world have taken precautions. Several online tech stacks, including Google Classroom, Blackboard, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams, have facilitated the transition to remote learning.

Read More: How To Build A Successful E-Learning Platform Like Udemy And Coursera

Business App on the Reach:

Mobile App

Many companies have clearly switched to remote work for the time being in order to ensure their employees’ safety by reducing social interactions. Apps like Zoom, Hangout Meet, Slac, Trello, and others that support working from home are trending in both the app store and Google Trends.

Zoom and Hangout Meet are video and audio conferencing applications that also allow you to share your screen with your coworkers. It’s no surprise that it’s been a top app since the Covid-19 outbreak peaked.

The Security and Privacy Implications of COVID-19 Location Data Apps

Researchers from all around the world are racing to develop vaccines and medicines that will either stop or slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout these efforts,  there has been clear evidence that technology will help reduce the problem and contribute to the global fight.

The use of mobile devices in this effort has raised many critical privacy and security concerns. First and last, it’s important to define the types of mobile data and device use we’re discussing. They are divided into three groups:

1) determining general population movement,
2) determining possible proximity to COVID-19 positive persons and providing guidance on self-quarantine measures, and
3) gathering data from patients for statistical research.

What role does hashStudioz play in your app-based business?

You may be more familiar with the needs of your trade, but team HashStudioz will be happy to analyze, innovate, and test your ideas in a discussion you can schedule with us.

An app is the first step toward providing remote services in any field, including teleconferencing, food, laundry, retail, groceries, clothing, learning, and healthcare. We also assist you with developing an android, iOS, or cross-platform version that users can use to access your service.

Covid Impact on Mobile App

Summing Up

A worldwide pandemic, such as COVID-19, has caused damage to global businesses all around the globe. Although some sectors, such as travel and manufacturing, have been hit the wors. Others such as app development, have gained to some degree.

The effect of the Coronavirus infection on the mobile app industry has been mixed, with increasing app downloads and more openings for developers.

So, If you enjoyed this article, please share your thoughts in the comments section below or tell us how you think the COVID-19 virus will affect the mobile app industry in the future.

Our many new clients have started locally first and are now expanding with our ready-to-use any app. If you have any similar idea in mind contact us and we will be happy to discuss, share our views and feedback, understand the scope and work with you on feasibility analysis.

By Akshara Srivastava

Experienced in creating and fueling Digital presence of an organization through active and passive techniques and creating awareness and consumer engagements using various methods on various social networking platforms.